Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (hereinafter, the “Policy”) sets forth the protection of personal information of members and non-members (hereinafter, the “User”) using the internet website (, hereinafter the “Lotte Auto Global”) operated by ‘Lotte Rental Co., Ltd.’ (hereinafter the “Company”). The Company considers the personal information of the User as important and complies with applicable laws and regulations including the Personal Information Protection Act, the Privacy Protection Guideline, the Act on Use and Protection of Credit Information, the Basic Act on E-Commerce, and the Guidelines on E-Commerce and Consumer Protection. Through its privacy policy, the Company informs the purpose and how to use the personal information provided the User and which measures to be taken for protecting the personal information. This Policy of the Company may change due to revision of the laws, changes in governmental guideline or internal policies of the Company, and please check frequently the Policy as the User. (This Policy will be executed from the day of 02/06, 2023)

  • Date of previous revision: 02/06/2023
  • Present date of execution: 06/21/2023

Article 1 [Purpose of Processing of Personal Information]

The Company processes the personal information for the following purposes. The processed personal information will not be used for other purposes than the following ones and, if the following purposes change, the Company will take necessary measures including obtaining a separate consent under Article 18 of the Privacy Protection Act:

Purpose Detailed Description
Member management and identification
  • Identification, personal identification for the use of member service, and prevention of wrongful and unauthorized use of bad members
  • Checking whether the legal representative consents or not while collecting the personal information of the children under 14
  • Preservation of record for various announcement/notice, and adjustment of grievance dispute
Response to customer inquiry
  • Dealing with complaints and civil affairs, customer suggestion, and delivery of notice
  • Identification of person filing complaints, confirmation of civil affairs, contact/notice for fact-finding, and notice of result of treatment
  • Response to the request in terms of order/delivery such as complaints
  • Receipt and handling of email inquiry/report and response to the result
  • Settlement of export sales payment
  • Management of purchase information for process of sales/purchase performance and settlement for members
Utilization for advertisement such as marketing
  • Delivery of advertising information of goods, service, customer appreciation event, sales promotion event, and other events
  • Mail order, telephone sales, helpline, and sending of SMS, DM, TM and E-mail
  • Guide of customer appreciation events through TM, SMS, DM and E-mail

Article 2 [Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information]

2.1 The personal information provided by the User is retained and used by the Company while the User receives the services provided by the Company.

2.2 If the member withdraws or loses qualification for his or her membership or the purpose of collection of personal information is achieved, the Company will destroy the personal information collected without delay as the followings:

  • Membership information: when the member requests for membership withdrawal or loses qualification for membership
  • Information collected for temporary purpose such as survey and event: when relevant survey and event end
  • Other retained information: when the purpose of collection and use of such information is achieved

2.3 In order to protect the personal information of the User who has no history of service use for the past 12 months, the Company separates from the information of other users, stores and manages such personal information under Article 39-6 of the “Privacy Protection Act”. Such separated and retained personal information will be safely retained for 2 years and destroyed thereafter: provided that, even after the purpose of collection and use of the personal information is achieved, a record to be retained under the provision of applicable laws and regulations including the Commercial Code, and the Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce will be retained for certain period and destroyed thereafter.

  • Retention period for the record of withdrawal of contract or subscription: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce)
  • Record of payment and supply of goods: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce)
  • Record of consumer complaints or dispute treatment: 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce)
  • Record of collection/processing and use of credit information: 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in E-commerce)
  • Record of website visit: 3 months (Communications Secrets Protection Act)

Article 3 [Consignment of Personal Information Processing]

3.1 In order to provide customers with convenience and manage customers, the Company consigns the business of personal information processing for service use contract, A/S provision and agent business for subsidiary duties as follows:

Description of Consigned Business Consignee Period of Retention and Use of Personal Information
System maintenance/repair Lotte Date Communication Co., Ltd. Up to member withdrawal or end of consignment agreement
Vehicle export forwarding Myeongsung Shipping Co., Ltd.
Able Global Logistics Co., Ltd.
Sending of Kakao Talk notification MTS Company Co., Ltd.

3.2 In entering into a consignment agreement, the Company clearly states in the documents prohibition of personal information processing for other purposes than performance of consigned business, technical and managerial protective measures, restriction on re-consignment, management and supervision on consignee, and matters on responsibilities such as liabilities damage under Article 26[김개2] of the personal information Protection Act and supervises to ensure that the consignee will safely handle the personal information.

3.3 Upon changes in the details of consigned business or consignee, the Company will disclose such changes through this Policy without delay.

Article 4 [Right and Obligation of User and Exercise Method]

4.1 The User may exercise at any time his or her right to the Company, which is related to personal information protection as follows:

  • Request for access to personal information
  • Request for correction to error
  • Request for deletion
  • Request for suspension of processing

4.2 The User may directly access or make correction to the personal information through the MYPAGE MENU after login to Lotte Auto Global and, if the User contacts the person responsible for protecting the personal information in writing, or through telephone call, email and fax machine, the Company will take measures without delay.

4.3 If the User requests for correction or deletion of the error in the personal information, the Company will not use or provide such personal information until the Company makes such correction or deletion.

4.4 Any exercise of the right under the foregoing Paragraph 4.1 may be carried out through the agent including legal representation or consignee of the User. In such event, the power of attorney in the form No. 11 in the Appendix of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act shall be submitted.

4.5 Any request for access to or suspension of processing of the personal information may cause a restriction to the User’s right under Articles 35(4), and 37(2) of the Personal Information Protection Act.

4.6 A correction and deletion of the personal information may not be requested if such personal information is clearly stated as subject to collection in other laws and regulations.

4.7 The Company checks whether the person requesting for access, correction, deletion and suspension of processing under the right of the User is such person or legitimate agent of such person or not.

4.8 The User may withdraw at any time his or her consent to the collection, use or provision of his or her personal information. For consent withdrawal, the User may either directly withdraw the consent by clicking the changes in member information and in the order designated in the MYPAGE MENU after login to Lotte Auto Global or contact the person responsible for protecting personal information in writing, through telephone call, email and fax machine. In such case, the Company will take necessary measures including destruction of personal information of members without delay and inform to the members.

4.9 The User shall not infringe on the personal information and privacy of his/herself or others which are processed by the Company in violation of applicable laws and regulations including the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 5 [Personal Information Items to be Processed]

The Company processes the following personal information items:

5.1 Membership and management of Lotte Auto Global

Type of Member Required Items Optional Items
General member ID, Email, name and telephone number -
Seller membership member Company name, name of representative, address, telephone number and fax number Name (person in charge of management/settlement), telephone number (person in charge of management/settlement), email address(person in charge of management/settlement)
Buyer Plus membe Domestic company - Company name and name of representative
Foreign buyer - Passport number

5.2 Utilization in marketing and advertisement

  • Items to be collected: Name, mobile phone number, address and email address

5.3 In using internet service, the following personal information items may be automatically created and collected:

  • IP address, Cookies, MAC address, service use record, visit record, record of bad use, etc.

Article 6 [Destruction of Personal Information]

6.1 The Company destroys the User’s personal information without delay when such personal information becomes unnecessary including the cases where the retention period lapses or the purpose of its processing has been achieved.

6.2 If the personal information for which the User’s consent has been obtained must be retained under other laws and regulations even through the retention period lapses or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the Company will transfer such personal information into a separate DB or preserve such personal information in a different storage.

6.3 The process and method of destruction of personal information are as follows:

  • A. The procedure of destruction: The Company selects the personal information to be destroyed for certain reason and destroys such personal information with approval of the person responsible for protecting personal information from the Company.
  • B. The method of destruction: The Company deletes the personal information stored in the form of electric file by using technological method that makes that information not to be regenerated. And the Company destructs hard copies of personal information by shredding with a pulverizer or incinerating them.

Article 7 [Measures for Securing Safety of Personal information]

In order to secure the safety of personal information, the Company takes the following measures:

7.1 The personal information of the User is strictly protected with the password. The password of the member ID of Lotte Auto Global is known by the User, and the check and changes in the personal information are available only to the User.

7.2 The Company makes its best effort in preventing the personal information of the User from being leaked or damaged due to hacking or computer virus. The Company frequently makes backup the data in preparation of damages in personal information, prevents the personal information of the User from being leaked or damaged by using up-to-date anti-virus software and ensures that the personal information will be transmitted safely in the network through cipher algorithm.

7.3 The Company controls unauthorized access from outside by using a firewall system and puts its effort in having all available technical devices for securing systematic safety.

7.4 The Company limits the number of its staffs having the right to access to the personal information of the User into the minimum, and the persons who fall under such staffs are as follows:

  • A. A person carrying out marketing business by personally dealing with the User;
  • B. A person carrying out the personal information management business including the ones responsible for or in charge of personal information protection; and
  • C. A person who has no choice but to process the personal information in his/her duties.

7.5 Any transfer of duties of the person in charge of handling the personal information is carried out confidentially, and the responsibility of employees and officers of the Company for the personal information accident before and after joining or leaving the Company is clarified. In addition, the Company establishes the computer room and the data storage room as a special protected area and always emphasizes compliance with this Policy through frequent education for the person in charge thereof.

Article 8 [Matters on Installation, Operation and Rejection to Automatic Collection Device of Personal Information]

8.1 In order to provide customized services to the User, the Company uses cookies which store and frequently bring about the information of use.

8.2 Cookies are very small text files sent to your (User) browser used by the server used for the operation of website and may be saved in the hard disk of your computer.

8.3 Cookies are used for providing optimized information to the User through analysis of frequency of access and visit time of the User, identification of the tastes and interest area of the User, detection of trace, identification of the level of various event participation, time of visit, etc.

8.4 The User has an option to the installation of cookies. Accordingly, by setting the option in his/her web browser, the User may allow all the cookies, have confirmation to be gone through whenever the cookies are saved or reject the storage of all the cookies. For example, for internet explore, you may reject to the saving of cookies through setting the option in Tool> Internet Option> Personal Information Menu at the top of web browser.

8.5 If the User rejects to saving the cookies, a difficulty in using customized services may occur.

Article 9 [Person Responsible for Personal Information Protection]

9.1 In order to protect the personal information of the User and handle any complaints related to such information, the Company designates the following department and person responsible for protecting personal information:

  • A. A person responsible for personal information protection (CPO)
    • Name: Cho Geon Haeng
    • Position: Chief Privacy Officer
    • Tel. : +82-2-3404-9999
    • Email :
    • ※ It will connect to the department in charge of customer response center of personal information.
  • B. Department in charge of customer response service
    • Name of department: Customer Care Team
    • Tel. : +82-2-3404-9999
    • Email :

9.2 The User may make an inquiry on civil affairs related to all personal information protection, which occur while using the services of the Company, to the person responsible for or department in charge of personal information protection. The Company will promptly respond to and handle such inquiry. In addition, any person the right or interest of whom has been infringed by a disposition or omission made by the head of public agencies to the request of the principal of information in terms of access, correction, deletion and suspension of processing of personal information may file an administrative appeal as prescribed in the Administrative Appeal Act. In addition, if necessary for report or consultation on infringement on the personal information, an inquiry may be made to the following agencies:

  • Report Center of Personal Data Infringement ( / 118 without local code)
  • Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee ( / +82-2-1833-6972)
  • Cyber Crime Investigation Team of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office ( / 1301 without local code)
  • Cyber Terror Response Center of the National Police Agency ( / 182 without local code)

Article 10 [Exception to Application of Policy]

The Company may provide the User with the link to the websites or data of other companies through Lotte Auto Global. In such event, the Company has no right to control over the external sites and data, nor will this ‘Policy’ apply to their act of collection of personal information. Accordingly, if you move to the page of other sites by clicking such link including Lotte Auto Global, please check without fail the privacy policy of such site you newly visit.

Article 11 [Changes in Policy]

11.1 This Policy shall be executed from the June 21, 2024.

11.2 Upon changes in this Policy, the Company will take measures to ensure that the User will be able to compare and access to the previous version.